
New Recipe

My sister, Alexis, made lemonade one time and it was so delicious. I opened our fridge today to see a huge bag of lemons! I called her right up and got the right information from her to make my tasty lemony treat! I want to share it with you guys :)

Okay so you're gonna need four or five lemons to start this thing off. You're trying to get one cup of lemon juice. Alexis only uses four lemons, but she has strong hands I guess! Haha :) So I got five because I'm weak.

Then slice one of the lemons in half so that you can get the juice out of them.

Squeeze the heck out of each of the halves until you have one cup of lemon juice! It's okay if seeds or pulp gets into the liquid.

This is what your lemons should look like after the incessant squeezing. Be careful when you're squeezing them because the acid in the lemon stings cuts and wounds in the skin!

Get one cup of sugar ready also.

And six cups of cold water.

So these are your ingredients, the only ones you'll ever need to make any kind of normal lemonade: lemon juice, water, and sugar.

If you don't want the seeds and pulp in your lemonade then just get them out with a spoon! Some people think the seeds make it more "authentic" but I don't like swallowing seeds in my lemonade.

Combine all the ingredients in a pitcher and stir them together. Or if you have a closed pitcher with a lid, you can shake it instead.

Pour into cute little cups, or big huge cups if that's how you like to roll!

Yummy lemonade for me! :D Hope you enjoy the recipe! Seriously, you need to make. It tastes so sweet and perfect on a hot summer day!!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Girl, I think your lemonade has a 1:1.5:6 ratio.

That is A LOT of sugar! lol.

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