
I always get in this mood...

To make a new blog, or start posting on a blog. But I think this time I want to do it FOR REAL, like on a regular basis. I like to design the blog and make it all cute (which will come in time...for now I still have to figure it out.) And I like to read other people's blogs and look at their pictures, it's interesting! So I want to do something interesting too. But...we'll see what happens with that because I don't really have that many interesting things about my life.

I know that my opinion on anything isn't all that important to people, and it shouldn't be important! Only what God has to say matters. So I want to talk about what happened in church today.

Photo by: Me

First of all, the worship set was nothing special...to anyone who didn't have their heart in it. Personally, I loved it. I'll admit it was mediocre (sp?), but the stripped down version of songs leaves no room for talent, pride, or selfishness. All that's left is Jesus, and He's all that matters. The songs that were played and sung today were for one purpose that I felt the entire congregation knew about: to lift up His name. After the first set, they played a slideshow of VBS the previous week and Becky came up to announce that seven kids were saved during that time. God still does awesome things when no one knows He's working...seriously. Then Jeff got up and spoke a message that everyone needed to hear. Though most people would think that he was bagging on the men of the church, I think everyone got something out of the message that they needed to hear. It was so convicting and powerful, I felt like God was using Jeff to speak loudly to each person in the room!

Lately in my life, I've been acting really dumb and treating people unfairly. I didn't know where my attitude came from until I realized, of course, AS ALWAYS, I was not abiding in the Lord. This verse is what helped me kick start my mini-revelation:

"So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Matt. 6:34

Right after that verse is another one that really got me and made me feel horrible for the feelings I've been having and the words I've been speaking:

"Do not judge so that you will not be judged." -Matt. 7:1

I never ever realize how dumb I'm acting until God starts being totally obvious with me by giving me verses like that, or He gives me people who tell me what I need to hear. These verses were totally God-sent and I'm so glad that He came through to me again. He always does. Doubt and "mean-ness" totally got to me and I let it take over me to the point where I was giving awful attitude for no apparent reason. I have so much stuff that I worry about that I don't need to worry about! God tells us to give Him our worries and burdens and He'll take care of everything! Coming to realizations like this is so beautiful and only the Creator could have done this for me. The message in church today was pretty much about getting on the right track, and to stop faking the Christian act all the time. It's impossible to do it on your own, but through the Lord we can accomplish everything.


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