
Sweet As

Okay so the last few days, the college group took an awesome trip up to Northern California to go white water rafting! It wasn't really the whole college group...it was more like the girls of the group and Mike and Ruben. Haha! It was totally fun though and everyone had a blast!! The tedious 7 hour drive up there wasn't as bad as everyone thought it would be. And once we got there, we were pleasantly surprised with beautiful scenery and not-as-rugged-as-we-thought camping facilities.

We were told that we were to stay in tents, so we all brought our sleeping bags and pillows. The tents we stayed in were humongous, they had bunk beds inside of them. A luxury we didn't take for granted. :) So we arrived Sunday night and went rafting Monday afternoon after 2 delicious meals provided by the camp. Our guide on the raft was named "Nacho", but he was a tall, lanky New Zealander with blonde dreads! His real name was Nigel but that's a whole 'nother story...:P

There are so many funny stories attached to our rafting experience! Too many to tell in one sitting on Blogger! Just know that we all came back alive and with an understanding of what adventure feels like.

We all want to again really soon, and more people should definitely come to experience what we did! Fellowship, adventure, and so much fun. It was an incredible experience and it all happened over the course of a few days.

God is doing amazing things in all of our lives, and even the life of our guide, Nacho. I can't thank God enough for all that He's done in our lives! It's truly incredible how He speaks to us through other people and His Word.
"The eyes of the Lord are in every place, watching the evil and the good."
Proverbs 15:3


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