
Far Out!

Today me and Mike decided we wanted to tie-dye some shirts!!! It was so much fun, but the finished product won't be ready until tomorrow. :( It's okay though because we took lots of pictures and they look so fun! I used to tie-dye shirts when I was little! And I just realized today that the name comes from "tying" it and "dying" it. HA! Hilarious. :D

This is the supplies we used for our shirts! We just bought a little kit from Michael's for about ten bucks! And I already had a plain white shirt I was going to use, Mike bought one from Michael's.

This is Mike and his giant plain shirt from Michael's! ($3.99)

And this is me and my normal cute V-Neck from Kohl's. Haha :D

Dying shirts is very messy so I made sure to borrow my mom's apron! It's so cute, isn't it?! (The shirt, not the apron!)

I love this picture of Mike and his shirt! Excited to see what it looks like after 24 hours!


1-2-3- SUMMER!!!

So this summer, much like last, has been utterly blissful and magical. Mike is one of the greatest gifts that God has given me and I am so grateful and blessed to have him be a part of my life. I couldn't have made up someone in my head that's as awesome as he has been. *Dreamy*

BUT ANYWAYS, aside from my "smitten-ness," the past couple weeks have been packed full of fun times. Swimming, beach, and working out. Plus watching old home videos, getting to know Mike's dad more (through the videos), and having fun with friends and family. It's really just been so much fun. The beach baptism was really cool, seeing people publicly declare their faith always leaves me speechless. Allie and Trevor's wedding was wonderful, Allie looked beautiful. :) Seeing them get married only makes me more anxious to tie the knot!! Seriously, I'm just so excited. Haha!I do have a couple prayer requests though. I'll make it very general, because I'm sure I'm not the only one who struggles with these kinds of things. Just pray that I (and all of our other brothers and sisters in Christ) hold true to God's Word and understand it's full meaning and follow it beyond what we THINK we're capable of. Also just that we're all around more kind and loving toward our family in Christ as well as those who don't believe and/or are our enemies.

Thank you in advance...if you're even reading this blog. Haha it's not like I get comments or messages so who knows if anyone but me reads this thing!!!

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